Saturday, 9 November 2013

mengapa orang Malaysia patut makan arnab

From the database in [5], in 1990, total global consumption of rabbit meat is higher than its production, 97.6 million to 94.1 metric tonnes and the trend increases by year. Hence, prospectively, it sounds sensible to conduct this project. If breeding NZWR is handled systematically by scientists, with some creativity and innovation, compliance to the international standard and guidelines (SCARM no.59) [6], adhere to an approved quality assurance programme (HACCP or HIACCP) and practicing the Islamic method of animal slaughtering for human consumption, a massive production of halal rabbit meat can be made a reality in Malaysia. This may gradually provide a new source of white meat at a relatively low cost, less pollution and low price. If Malaysian trend of consuming is still monotonous, the project may focus on exporting only. Rabbit meat with halal certification will increase its global demand since it can be consumed by both muslim and non-muslim. Another advantage is that in Malaysia, rabbit meat production can be operated throughout the year without seasonal challenges.

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