arnab keluar dari topi - rabbit out of the hat?
Saturday, 9 November 2013
mengapa orang Malaysia patut ternak arnab
This project requires smart collaborations from the experts and support from the government. It will provide an alternative source of white meat, as Malaysian has successfully changed from producing coconut-based cooking oil to palm-based. It also will open up many other related business and industrial opportunities.
Industri lain yang boleh diusahakan ialah:
- menghasilkan baja organik dari najis arnab dengan kaedah penguraian saintifik hanya 1 bulan berbanding penguraian semulajadi 3 bulan
- penghasilan palette arnab dengan menanam jagung (kanji), kacang soya (protein) dan rumput alfalfa (serat) menggunakan baja organik di atas
- penghasilan anak arnab yang maksima dengan teknik 'mating' saintifik mampu menghasilkan 7 - 10 anak sekali beranak mampu mempercepatkan peningkatan hasil
- kulit arnab yg disembelih secara islam diawet sebagai bahan mentah produk kilit yang berkualiti
- tulang arnab yg disembelih secara islam boleh menjadi asas sumber kalsium untuk lain (eg ubat gigi)
mengapa orang Malaysia patut makan arnab
the database in [5], in 1990, total global consumption of rabbit meat is higher
than its production, 97.6 million to 94.1 metric tonnes and the trend increases
by year. Hence, prospectively, it sounds sensible to conduct this project. If
breeding NZWR is handled systematically by scientists, with some creativity and
innovation, compliance to the international standard and guidelines (SCARM
no.59) [6], adhere to an approved quality assurance programme (HACCP or HIACCP)
and practicing the Islamic method of animal slaughtering for human consumption,
a massive production of halal rabbit meat can be made a reality in Malaysia. This
may gradually provide a new source of white meat at a relatively low cost, less
pollution and low price. If Malaysian trend of consuming is still monotonous,
the project may focus on exporting only. Rabbit meat with halal certification
will increase its global demand since it can be consumed by both muslim and
non-muslim. Another advantage is that in Malaysia, rabbit meat production can
be operated throughout the year without seasonal challenges.
sebenarnya arnab lebih produktif berbanding lembu
In producing meat, female rabbits (does) can have six to eight litters per year with eight or nine kittens per litter [1]. This makes a doe yield more meat in a year as compared to a cow. Compared to other sources of white meat, rabbit meat is the most nutritious (Figure 1) and the most sanitary meat known to man [2], [3], [4]. For meat production, New Zealand White Rabbit (NZWR) is the most commonly used due to its body-type, more prolific and more fertile [5].
memperkenalkan daging arnab di Malaysia
Malaysia, the most popular source of white meat is poultry. However, it is
always affected by the recurrence of deadly bird-flu illness, the waste
pollution and manpower issues causing fluctuation in the supply and price. In
1988, an inter-governmental joint venture project, Australia-Malaysia Livestock
Trading (AMLT) was initiated to produce rabbit meat. Some genetically produced
(GP) NZWR were distributed to local rabbit breeders under the supervision of
the Ministry of Agriculture Malaysia. However, until now, only a few farms with
a small capacity are observed all over the country with a very limited production.
Currently, the local price of rabbit meat is five times higher than chicken,
making it an exotic and exclusive meal only.
daging putih dan daging merah sebagai makanan
White meat is best known as meat
that is lean, especially in comparison with red meat. The big point about white
meat is that its fat content is less in comparison with red meat. Meats
traditionally thought of as white (such as veal and even lamb) have been
reclassified as red meats. Another advantage to eating white meat over red
meat, which is also why health experts recommend it over red meat, is the lower
number of calories that it contains. However, the difference in calories
between white meat and red meat is not so great that it will absolutely ruin
your waistline if you choose to eat some red meat once in a while.
Red meat is the victim of
stereotypes that have been exaggerated to the point where it is today somewhat
stigmatized as a food that is linked to cancer and higher fat and caloric
content. While the cancer issue depends on what studies you look at and the
higher caloric content is not that much over white meat, red meat does have
benefits that white meat simply lacks. For example, the nutrients zinc, iron,
thiamine and riboflavin (in addition to vitamins B12 and B6) appear in much
greater abundance in red meat. Moreover, red meat is a great source of
muscle-building protein as well as being the best source of the antioxidant
called alpha lipoic acid. Still, red meat has been the subject of a lot of
studies that connect it to health problems beyond cancer, like cardiovascular
disease and even arthritis and hypertension.
Saturday, 2 November 2013
fakta khasiat daging arnab - nutritional facts of rabbit meat
The USDA has stated that rabbit is the most nutritious meat known to man. Rabbit is an all-white meat with fine grain and delicate flavor. It works as a great substitute in any recipe calling for chicken or pork. Consider: having less than 800 calories per pound, rabbit has fewer calories and less fat than chicken, turkey, beef, pork, or lamb. It has about half the amount of cholesterol of those other meats, at 164mg per 100g. It has 33% less sodium than chicken. Rabbit, comically known as the “other, other white meat” isn’t only lacking the bad stuff; it’s rich in the good stuff. Rabbit is 21% protein, compared to the 20% protein content in chicken and turkey, 16% in beef and 13% in pork. Since rabbits are raised in all-wire cages rather than on pasture, it is also one of the most sanitary meats available.
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